Kaufman’s “I’m Thinking of Ending Things”
★★★★ Watched 04 Sep 2020
Kaufman’s done it again... Mind boggling, thoroughly depressing- a look at society, our relationships and the interior of our minds in a distorted mirror. I guess similar to Eternal sunshine in that respect. Though at this point it’s to be expected that mental health lies somewhere within the subtext of any horror film, here there was disagreement amongst my roomates about whether the rumination and interior monologue played into ocd tropes or if the dissolution of time and fragmentation of timelines was more schizophrenic. Some takeaways were themes concerning cruelty to animals, mistreatment of the aged and the ugly, isolation, and the ways in which you can find yourself in a relationship where no new thoughts or progress are made- you merely quote at each other, bits of essays, poems, things to sound impressive that only drive you further into the pit. The use of dance was also surprising and beautiful. I have a lot of disorganized thoughts about this film but above and below them all, it’s art.